Live Chat

How to live chat during the show

There are 2 types of live chat.
Please note that these types are decided by event organizers beforehand.

①「ZAIKO Chat」: Chat in the streaming page
②「Twitter」: Tweet with the #hashtag

How to determine which?
On the streaming page, there is a button named ""Live Chat"".
Please click this button, and you will be able to see whether it's ①, ②.

**Live chat is not available on the Zaiko app.
**Live chat is only available for applicable online events. If the Live chat is not set to be enabled by the event host, you will not see the Live chat feature on the streaming page. 

①「ZAIKO Chat」: Chat in the streaming page

②「Twitter」: Tweet with the #hashtag


How to chat using ZAIKO Chat

On the streaming page, there is a chatting section in the right.
By directly posting there, you can join the chat.

※Nickname will be shown when you chat
※If you do not register a nickname, you will not be able to use the chat
※Nickname can be registered/changed from here

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