Ticket Modification/ Cancellation

I want to cancel my ticket and receive refund

If the event is postponed or canceled:
The event organizer will send you an email with event details and refunds.
Unless refund details are announced, we will not be able to cancel or refund your tickets under any circumstances.

I want to receive a refund for personal reason / streaming quality issue

ZAIKO/Event organizers will not take responsibility for streaming quality problems due to purchasers' circumstances.

I want to receive refund, since I double purchased the ticket

Once tickets are purchased, refunds are not allowed unless the event organizer makes any kind of announcement regarding refunds.

* Streaming tickets cannot be transferred.

Refund Method (Credit Card, WeChat, Alipay)

If you used Credit Card, WeChat, or Alipay as your payment method,

you will be refunded automatically. No action is required from the customer side.

There will be cases ZAIKO Support collect refund requests directly.
For further instructions regarding your refund flow, please kindly check the email.

Refund Method (Convenience Store Payment)

If you used Convenience Store Payment, we will refund to your bank account.

Please log in to ZAIKO with the account you used to make your purchase and access the ticket page.

The instructions of how to receive your refund via bank transfer will be informed on the page accordingly.

*Please be sure to enter your bank information correctly.
*If you registered your bank information wrongly, please edit your bank information from the "Edit refund details" button.
There will be cases ZAIKO Support collect refund requests directly.
For further instructions regarding your refund flow, please kindly check the email.

Postponement date is not announced but I want to receive refund

Once the details regarding postponement/refund is decided, an email will be send.
Please kindly understand that Zaiko cannot answer certain questions until the details are announced.

I applied for a refund, but it has not been refunded

The actual timing of refunds will vary depending on the credit card company/bank, but basically, the processing will be completed within 2 months after the refund is announced by the event organizer.

If you use convenience store payment, the refund process will be completed within 1 month from the refund procedure deadline.

Refunds will be processed to the credit card used at the time of purchase, so please check the credit card used again.
In addition, If you cannot confirm the refund for a long time, please contact your credit card company/bank directly.

* We do not notify you that the refund has been completed.

Can I apply for refund after the application deadline?

Please check the refund application deadline in advance which sent by e-mail.
After the deadline, we will not refund for any reason.

How to receive refund when my credit card is suspended, lost, renewed

Even if the credit card you used on ZAIKO is suspended, lost, or renewed, refund processing can be done.

Please contact your credit card company/bank for further details.

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