2024년 8월 1일 1:00~3:00, 시스템 점검으로 인해 서비스가 중단됩니다. 불편을 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다.

Ticket Confirmation

I want to check my ticket

Please log in to your ZAIKO account and click "My Purchases". You can view the Upcoming Tickets.
To check past tickets, please click "Past Tickets".

If you click the button "E-Ticket Details", you can check the details such as the order code and receipt.
*We do not issue paper tickets.

To enter the venue, please show the E-Ticket screen to the entrance staff.

I can't find my purchased tickets

If you have trouble finding your purchased ticket(s) on ZAIKO, please look in the below possibilities.


A: You purchased from a different email address

B: You registered ZAIKO via social login

C: You receive an error “Your email and/or password is not correct. Please try again.”

D: Neither of A ~ D


Please refer to the below solutions in order to find your ticket(s).


【A: You purchased from a different email address】

If you have multiple email addresses, it is highly possible you purchased with a different email address. Tickets can only be confirmed from the email address the ticket has been purchased. 



Please logout and login again with a different email address you may have used.


【B: You registered ZAIKO via social login】

If you use an account that is linked to a social account (such as Google or Apple) to purchase a ticket, there are cases where you can’t login by inserting the email address or you re-created a different account.



Please login again with the same method (social account) you used when purchasing a ticket.

*Click on the social account icon on the login page


【C: You receive an error “Your email and/or password is not correct. Please try again.】


There are 2 possibilities.


・Email address was inputted incorrectly when purchasing the ticket (Typo)


 Please refer to D’s solution.


・A different email address was inputted


Please refer to A’s solution.


・Wrong password is inserted


If you forgot your password, please refer to the FAQ【I forgot my password】in order to reset.


・There is no account created with the email address 


There is a possibility you logged in to ZAIKO via social account. 

Please refer to B’s solution.

【D: Neither of A ~ D】


Please contact us from this [contact form] with the below details.


Order Code (required) 

    *Order code: 18 digits code that starts from the alphabet [Q or R]

・ Event Name

・Purchaser Name



<How to find your Order Code>


【Credit Card/WeChat/Alipay】

Shown on the "Purchase Successful" page after your purchase has been confirmed



【Convenience Store Payment】

Shown on the receipt you will receive after completing the payment at the convenience store

(starts from the alphabet [Q or R])


*Please be noted that we are not able to support you with the purchased details unless your order code is provided.


Moreover, there are customers who are deactivating their ZAIKO account after ticket purchase.

Please be noted that tickets and guest tickets will be invalid once you complete the deactivation process. In this case, all tickets are final as well.

*Please refer here for the details regarding deactivation


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